IronCAD 9.0 New Features
    Getting Started with IronCAD 9.0
    3D Modeling Enhancements
       Assembly Feature Tags
       Design Variations
       Smart Assembly
       Sizebox Stretch Command
       Blend, Shell, Chamfer, and Draft Parameters
       Shell Inside, Outside, and Both Directions
       Boolean Toolbar and New Types
       Assembly Based Lights (Spot and Point)
       Local Coordinate System Creation
       Parameter Table Preview/Apply
       2D Sketch Improvements
       3D Curve Enhancements
          Copy Along 3D Curve
          Point Creation in 3D Curve
          Merge 3D Curves as Smooth Connected Curve
          3D Curve Text Import of Header Information
          3D Curve Trim/Split Enhancements
          3D Curve Normal to Surface Creation Updates
          3D Curve Parallel To Edge End Option
       Surface Enhancements
       Sheet Metal Enhancements
    2D Drawing Enhancements
    General Enhancements